At the Intersection of Geology, Chemistry and Mathematics

William W. Gould, Ph.D., P.G.

104 Henderson Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235

Groundwater Modeling

Risk Assessment, Statistics and Data Management

Geochemical & Hydrogeological Consulting

Environmental Forensics and Litigation Assistance


Groundwater Modeling Services


WWGeosciences offers groundwater modeling services for remediation and forensic purposes.  For remediation, we support site cleanup and forecast the results of future courses of action. For forensic purposes we ascertain the "who, what, where, when & why" of groundwater contamination.


Large groundwater modeling projects frequently require detailed evaluation of complex industrial sites. WWGeosciences can interact with the site investigators to obtain the hydrogeologic information necessary to generate flow and transport models. Turnaround on preliminary modeling information can be rapid enough to advise clients during an investigation already in progress.


WWGeosciences can also provide services for clients with smaller sites.  We have generated and used ground­water models to support remedial decision-making for sites such as gas stations and can deal with data gaps inherent in a limited investigation.


Project Experience

·    Numerical modeling of groundwater flow to determine extraction well location for water supply protection. 

·    Numerical modeling of groundwater contaminant transport to locate probable sources of groundwater impacts.  

·    Numerical modeling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport to determine possible extent of contamination, evaluate remedial alternatives, or substantiate “no further action” determinations.

·    Numerical modeling of contaminant transport in soils to evaluate the threat of future groundwater contamination from present soil contamination.

·    Performed analytical modeling of partitioning, fate, and transport of organic contaminants between soil, air, and groundwater.

·    Developed simplified screening methods for evaluating the migration of groundwater contaminants.

·    Developed in-house software for graphical evaluations of water chemistry.

·    Developed simplified software for performing contaminant leaching calculations.


Case Studies

·    Numerical modeling of groundwater flow to determine extraction well location for water supply protection.  Services were performed for industrial manufacturer in proximity to public water supply wellfield.  

·    Numerical modeling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport to determine extent of future contamination in buried valley aquifer.  Services performed for industrial manufacture to support enhanced bioremediation plan.  Plan received agency approval and is being implemented, current monitoring results have been consistent with model. 

·    Numerical modeling of groudnwater flow and contaminant transport to predict seepage of contaminated groundwater into proposed excavation inside industrial facility.  Services were performed for metals manufacturer planning factory expansion.  Excavation was performed and observed water infiltration rates agreed with prediction. 

·    Numerical Modeling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport to evaluate future location and intensity of contaminant plumes migrating from UST sites.  Services were performed for responsible parties to support remedial design or to demonstrate attainment of statewide health standards. 

·    Performed numerical modeling of groundwater contaminant transport to locate probable sources of groundwater impacts.  Services were performed for industrial manufacturer in Piedmont area, involved in dispute over fair allocation of response costs.  

·    Performed numerical modeling of groundwater contaminant transport to locate probable contaminant travel time from sources of groundwater impacts to public water supply wells. Services were provided to law firm representing several indus­trial manufacturers engaged in insurance claim litigation regarding numerous sites.

·    Performed unsaturated zone modeling at numerous UST sites to determine potential impact to groundwater.  Services performed for responsible parties to determine whether groundwater remediation was needed.




Litigation Assistance Services


Liability for environmental contam­ination has been the issue at dispute in many lawsuits. 


There are lawsuits between potential responsible parties where disputes arise over the fair allocation of response costs.  There are lawsuits between potential responsible parties and neighboring residents where disputes arise over whether contamination has done damage to a neighbor. 


For these cases, WWGeosciences offers the services of environmental forensics, or geological detective work.


WWGeosciences has prepared many expert witness reports: analyzing the technical issues to advise the consultants and attorneys, setting up and executing the detailed computations that enable a rigorous evaluation of the environmental problems at issue, and designing exhibits to present the conclusions to the non-technical jury pool.


WWGeosciences can also provide crucial background support to consulting principals who are called upon to provide expert testimony.  Services include document management assistance, computational modeling, technical consultation on chemical fate & transport, and detailed critical reviews of opposing expert's reports, depositions, and exhibits.  WWGeosciences will help you do more for your client and give your client more reason to depend on you.  


Project Experience

·    Provided expert opinion regarding geologic and hydrogeologic conditions and potential for transport of natural gas associated in domestic wells.  Services were provided for a law firm representing natural gas producers in a private party lawsuit.  Gave deposition and was scheduled as trial witness.  Case settled on morning of trial. 

·    Performed groundwater modeling and travel time evaluations and drafted expert reports for industrial manufac­turers involved in groundwater contamination claims.  Services were provided to law firms representing several indus­trial manufacturers engaged in insurance claim litigation regarding numerous sites.

·    Performed groundwater modeling and travel time evaluation for contaminant transport poten­tially associated with a leaking Underground Storage Tank. Authored expert report in preparation for litigation.  Gave depositions and trial testimony in US District Court. Services were provided for a law firm representing a regional oil company in a dispute over responsibility for remediation costs.  Case was decided in clients favor. 

·    Provided an expert opinion regarding geologic and hydrogeologic conditions and contaminant transport poten­tially associated with a leaking Underground Storage Tank.  Services were provided for a law firm represent­ing a major oil company in a private party lawsuit.  Co-authored expert report in preparation for litigation.

·    Provided extensive file review and technical support for project managers providing expert witness testimony for law firms representing industrial manufacturers involved in both U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and private cost recovery actions under CERCLA.  As project coordinator, was responsible for document manage­ment and technical development of potential litigation strategies including groundwater modeling, source iden­tification, contaminant fate & transport analysis, and technical evaluation of opposing counsel's claims.

·    Performed document review and unsaturated zone contaminant transport modeling and travel time evaluation for compounds released from manufactured gas plant sites. Services were provided for a law firm representing a gas company engaged in insurance claim litigation regarding several sites.



Risk Assessment


Statutes passed in many states which allow risk-based corrective action standards for contaminated sites have resulted in a flurry of remediation at sites where previously problems had festered.  Recently regulators have increased their level of scrutiny over risk-based cleanup standards and demonstrations of remediation.  For this reason great care is needed for exposure assessments and pathway evaluations. 


If you are managing a site where intra-well or inter-well comparisons need to be made, WWGeosciences can set up the appropriate test in a user-friendly database.  WWGeosciences sets it up for one monitoring period.  In the subsequent period, you enter the new data, and the new period's tests are done automatically. 


Project Experience

·    Developed spreadsheet models for estimating volatile organic emissions from contaminated soils.

·    Developed spreadsheet for computing vapor intrusion into buildings using the Johnson & Ettiger model.

·    Performed pathway evaluations and exposure assessments for UST sites

·    Performed pathway evaluations and exposure assessments for industrial facilities.

·    Combined groundwater modeling, vapor intrusion modeling and exposure assessment techniques to demonstrate attainment of remediation standards

·    Performed numerical modeling of contaminant transport in soils to evaluate the threat of future groundwater contamination from present soil contamination.

·    Revision of public health risk assessment, and management of risk assessments through regulatory review and comment process.

·    Performed numerical modeling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport to determine possible extent of contamination, evaluate remedial alternatives, or substantiate “no further action” determinations.


Computational Assistance and Statistics.


New regulatory requirements for nonparametric and other unfamiliar statistical tests can give a consultant headaches. WWGeosciences was the in-house statistician for a medium-sized consulting firm, and is able to solve your computational needs.  We are experts at taking unfamiliar statistical tests, solving them, and placing the solution into an easily usable and client-updatable spread­sheet or database. 


If you are managing a site where intra-well or inter-well comparisons need to be made, WWGeosciences can set up the appropriate test in a user-friendly database.  WWGeosciences sets it up for one monitoring period.  In the subsequent period, you enter the new data, and the new period's tests are done automatically. 


Project Experience

·    Developed spreadsheet models for estimating volatile organic emissions from contaminated soils.

·    Developed spreadsheet for computing vapor intrusion into buildings using the Johnson & Ettiger model.

·    Design of relational database applications site analytical data.  Integration of site database with geographic information systems package. 

·    Developed in-house software for aquifer test analyses.

·    Statistically evaluated soil sampling results using parametric and nonparametric methods including Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.

·    Devised appropriate statistical tests for discriminating between groundwater and leachate source areas.

·    Analyzed water temperature and stream flow data, diurnal and weather cycle variations, and fish temperature tolerance criteria to determine the effects of a thermal discharge in the Upper Ohio River drainage basin.  Per­formed database design, data quality evaluation, and statistical analysis to establish criteria for rejection of spuri­ous data, and identification of significant relationships.



Hydrogeological and Geochemical Consulting

In case of an unusual situation, WWGeosciences can give insights based on 6 years of research and 19 years of consulting experience.  Aquifer testing, groundwater flow, groundwater contam­ination, soil contamination, contaminant migration from soil to groundwater, vapor migration, and risk assessment are among the areas where WWGeosciences can help. 


WWGeosciences is available for major projects and also is available on a retainer basis for rapid answers to technical questions. 


Project Experience

·    Performed integrated evaluation of groundwater geochemistry, brine geochemistry, and site‑specific stratigraphy to distinguish sources of inorganic constituents.

·    Modeled distribution of chemical species in aqueous solutions.

·    Geochemical modeling of to predict chemical speciation in surface water  and waste water to support design of a constructed wetland treatment system for industrial manufacturer.

·    Determined interactive effects of solution composition, pressure, temperature, and flow rates on water-rock reactions in the geothermal environment and geochemical constraints on ore deposition.

·    Experimentally simulated the water-rock interactions in a geothermal system.

·    Located saline groundwater contamination using geophysical techniques.

·    Developed in-house software for graphical evaluations of water chemistry.

·    Performed feasibility studies for bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soils.

·    Performed site investigations, evaluated laboratory results, and used analytic and numerical modeling techniques to evaluate whether a site is clean or adequately remediated to satisfy criteria for release under state brownfields programs such as Ohio Voluntary Action Program and Pennsylvania Act 2.

·    Assessed exposure and risk and drafted documents for response to RCRA, CERCLA, and state regulatory actions.


Data Validation


WWGeosciences is experienced with SW‑846 and Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) protocols for both organic and inorganic analyses.  We can evaluate the usability of laboratory data, and also explain the meaning and the degree of uncertainty in any analysis.


Project Experience

·    Validated laboratory data according to CLP protocol.

·    Performed rigorous data validation for SW-846 packages without CLP forms.


General Geology and Mineralogy


William W. Gould, Ph.D., P.G. the principal of WWGeosciences is licensed as a Professional Geologist in Pennsylvania.  WWGeosciences can fill in at any stage of a geologic investigation.  We can provide a discount from the normal hourly rates for field work. 



Project Experience

·    Evaluated and interpreted geochemical and hydrogeological data to assess groundwater quality and possible contaminant migration at state-regulated and RCRA waste management facilities.

·    Logged soil and rock borings and installed groundwater monitoring wells in unconsolidated and consolidated materials.

·    Planned and executed comprehensive soil and groundwater sampling and monitoring programs.

·    Prepared and characterized transition metal-interlayered clays.

·    Interpreted paragenetic relationships of minerals by optical microscopy.

·    Characterized single-phase and multi-phase earth materials by x-ray diffraction.

·    Characterized fine particles by scanning electron microscopy.